5 Tidbits

I have been so behind in sharing the tidbits...let's catch up: Tidbit #1: Our friends delivered a precious baby boy 10 days ago. His name is Ashon Isaac. Isn't he adorable...I'll share pics of his new diaper bag (made by Auntie Ruth) in the near future.

Tidbit #2: We found our turtle taking a walk on the sidewalk in the backyard after fearing that he was lost once more--and have not seen him again since!

Tidbit #3: Nesting is full-swing again. Here's an in-process photo of our bedroom, getting a makeover from greens and reds to grey/black/white/and a pop of yellow...the big reveal will come later.

Tidbit #4: I've finally put up a vinyl decal I've had for six months, of Matthew 6:21, in our front dining room. They are not as "easy and simple to apply" as they claim. Nevertheless, I'm enjoying that this truth is the first thing anyone sees upon entering my home...

Tidbit #5: Last but not least, today is Gen's birthday. Happy birthday friend! I've picked up beading, and am really appreciating the small, work-with-my-hands-for-limited-moments-of-the day quality of this particular hobby...and for it's gift-giving convenience, as evidenced last night. Her set was my first completed project, made with amethyst stones and glass beads.

Whew! I think that's it for now...at this rate of efficiency, I might only need to blog once a month!

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