“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”
Psalm 90:12
When I think about “numbering my days,” the cumulative effect of small, everyday choices comes to mind. Some choices are easier than others, and some require more sacrifice than others, but here are five choices I know I’ll never regret as I learn to number my days in order to gain a heart of wisdom.
Slowing down to enjoy the moment. It’s far too easy to let even the best moments of your day fly by without really stopping to soak them in. Whether it’s a hot cup of coffee or an impromptu snuggle session with one of the littlest mancubs, I want to give thanks to God and really enjoy it.
Time spent cultivating wonder. For me, time spent cultivating wonder often results in increased awe of who God is and what He is capable of. When I intentionally cultivate wonder in His creation, I am much more likely to spend time in worship.
- Choosing to be available for meaningful conversation. Sometimes this means planning to linger at the dinner table for conversations with my family, and sometimes it means texting a friend to set up a coffee date… either way, I’m always glad I took the time to connect for deep conversations.
Choosing people over productivity. My to-do list is almost always longer than the hours I have to give it, but I know that work cannot be ultimate. Choosing to engage with the people God has given me—friends, family, and people in my church community—is life-giving in ways that checking off a task will never be.
- A regular rhythm of rest. For the Simons family, this often means driving out of cell range, deep into the mountains of Western Colorado on the weekends. It forces us to rest from work and major responsibilities and it’s always so good for our souls.
I’m a work in progress, but I’ve never regretted choosing to prioritize these things…especially when saying yes is the hardest or most inconvenient. Often, that’s exactly when I need them the most.
May we number our days, and our moments, to the glory of God!
Because of grace,

*Some of the content from this post originated with a reel posted on July 3, 2022.